Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support the Alumni Scholars Club by clicking here.

UCLA Alumni Scholars Spark Campaign

Participation Drive
234 Donors
Towards goal of 200 Donors
$10,357.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on March 02, at 12:00 AM PST
Project Owners

The Alumni Scholars Club

Hello! Welcome to our Spark Campaign Page. We are UCLA’s Alumni Scholars Club (ASC), a community of Alumni Scholarship recipients at UCLA. The goal of ASC is to provide Alumni Scholars and the greater Bruin family with engaging opportunities to grow into stronger leaders, plan for our careers, and give back to our surrounding community! 

To support our scholars in their future goals, we hold many events and programs throughout the year such as the Alumni Mentor Program, pre-professional workshops, career panels, and peer tutoring. We also pride ourselves on our philanthropic focus by providing our scholars with unique volunteering opportunities. These include making blankets for the unhoused, mentoring middle schoolers to make higher education more accessible, and hosting Locks for Love, a hair donation drive for children with medically related hair loss. 

Funding plays a vital role in these endeavors, enabling ASC to offer diverse and resource-intensive programs to the entire UCLA community. These initiatives enhance the all-around development of scholars into future leaders in diverse fields, from medicine and engineering to the arts and humanities. Equally as important, ASC provides a family-like community for scholars to receive unwavering support and sincere friendships that last even beyond their time at UCLA!

We greatly appreciate your generous donation towards our efforts to grow as an organization, increase our impact on our community, and provide opportunities to uplift the next generation of Bruins. Thank you!

*If possible, please use a debit card or PayPal to avoid credit card fees!


Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments. 

Choose a giving level


Cookies and Cramming

Allows us to provide cookies and coffee to the entire UCLA population during our finals week Cookies and Cramming event


Bruin Blankets

This donation helps us purchase materials to make blankets for the unhoused in Los Angeles


My Last Lecture Ceremony

This gift supports us in putting on the My Last Lecture Ceremony, which awards an outstanding professor with the largest student nominated award on campus


Professional Development

This gift allows us to put on Networking Nights that help connect scholars to professionals in their future career field


Locks of Love

This donation helps us put on Locks of Love, our hair donation drive that goes towards making wigs for children with medical hair loss

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