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Fowler Museum: Round Trip Bicycling Asia Minor 1891

Raised toward our $7,500 Goal
118 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 02, at 10:59 PM PST
Project Owners

We're almost halfway to our goal!

November 05, 2014

Thank you for helping the Fowler Museum bring the art of cycling and photography to UCLA! We’re proud to share that our first-ever crowd funding campaign is off to a great start: after just 5 days, we’ve already reached 48% of our goal and raised a total of $3,610. We could not have come this far, this fast without you.

We have one more favor to ask: help us spread the word! Share your support on Facebook and Twitter using #roundtrip. Here’s a sample message to copy, paste and personalize: “I donated to bring the art of cycling and photography to the Fowler Museum at UCLA! Visit to learn more and participate in #roundtrip”

Thanks again!

Fowler Museum at UCLA

71% funded with 19 days left!

November 13, 2014

Quick update:

Thank you for your support of the Fowler’s Round Trip exhibition and related public programming at UCLA! We’re so glad you’ve chosen to help us with this project and want to keep you updated on our progress. As our planning has developed, our day of bicycle-related activities for all ages is now scheduled for early March 2015. More details to come! On January 11, 2015, the exhibition curator, author, and historian David V. Herlihy will present a public lecture and participate in a book signing and reception to celebrate Round Trip. Your donation helps us fund these events as well as the exhibition itself.

Thanks again!

Fowler Museum at UCLA

Solé Bicycles Discount for Round Trip Supporters!

November 21, 2014

We’re excited to announce that Fowler partner Solé Bicycles is offering a 25% discount to all Round Trip donors! Supporters will be sent a discount code in a separate email. 

We are thankful for the contribution of the Venice, California-based bike company for graciously offering this discount and for their participation in our campaign.

Thank you again for helping us raise $7,500 by December 2. We are 80% to goal with 11 days to go. Help us cross the finish line and spread the word to your fellow art and cycling enthusiasts!

Fowler Museum at UCLA


December 02, 2014

We are completing our campaign for Round Trip today on #GivingTuesday! To make our vision a reality, we must meet our goal to raise $7,500 by the end of the day. We’re almost there (just under $1,000 away) - will you help us cross the finish line? Please share the amazing story of Round Trip with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Here are some samples messages you can copy and paste:

Twitter:                 “Excited to support @FowlerMuseum @UCLA as they celebrate 125 years of cycling! One day left to join the campaign at

Facebook:           “Round Trip: Bicycling Asia Minor, 1891 (opening December 14 at the Fowler Museum at UCLA) features 43 strikingly beautiful black-and-white photographs that capture the dawn of cycling enthusiasm. Join me in support of this exciting project at Make a gift of $10 or more before the campaign ends at midnight tonight!”

With your donation, you have demonstrated your belief in the power of the arts and cycling to improve our communities. Thank you for your support!

Fowler Museum at UCLA


December 02, 2014

We are proud to share that we have already exceeded our goal to raise $7,500! Thank you for your generous support of our Round Trip campaign. Because of you, we will be able to fully realize this fantastic exhibition, offer exceptional arts education programs, and host a celebration for the exhibition and cycling in our LA community, with programs designed for cyclists of all ages.

Funds raised above $7,500 will provide support for additional educational programs and bus transportation for hundreds of school children to visit the Fowler Museum exhibitions.

We look forward to fulfilling your perks beginning in January. Once again, thank you for helping us bring the art of cycling and photography to UCLA. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Fowler Museum at UCLA


Our way
of Thanking You


Training Wheels

As a thank you for donating, we will give you a shout out on Twitter! You will also receive a 25% discount to Solé Bicycles.

18 of 500 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2014


The Safety Bike

Donations like this never go out of style! Receive a shout out on Twitter and Facebook!

15 of 500 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2014


Bicycle Built for Two

Grab a friend and attend a special reception with guest curator David V. Herlihy, historian and author of Bicycle: The History and Lost Cyclist: The Epic Tale of an American Adventurer and His Mysterious Disappearance.

26 of 500 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


Cruise to the Centennial

Thanks for going the distance! To thank you, you will receive two tickets to a reception with guest curator David V. Herlihy and a year-long Membership to the Fowler Museum $50 Individual Membership. Already a member? Gift your membership to a friend!

26 of 50 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


High Gear

Thanks for kicking it up a notch! You will receive all of the above perks and we will acknowledge your contribution on our website. In addition, you will receive a limited edition Round Trip reflective bike decal and two Round Trip water bottles.

2 of 50 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


Sprint to the Finish

Thanks for getting us to our goal so much faster! You will receive all of the above perks plus a signed copy of David V. Herlihy’s book Lost Cyclist: The Epic Tale of an American Adventurer and His Mysterious Disappearance.

4 of 25 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


Tour de France

Merci beaucoup! You will receive all of the above perks, plus a signed copy of David V. Herlihy's book Bicycle: The History. In addition, you will be invited to a private tour of the exhibition with the curator!

1 of 5 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


Yellow Jersey

Leader of the pack! Your incredible support will provide invaluable resources for developing the exhibition. You'll receive all of the above perks, plus we will honor you by listing your name on the exhibition title wall.

1 of 1 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015
Our Crowdfunding Groups