Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support post-graduate fellowship opportunities for UCLA Law Classmates by clicking here.
Every contribution plants a seed for change. Your support at this level helps kickstart our campaign and shows your commitment to public interest law.
(1/10 Day of Pay) - As a Supporter, you are taking a meaningful step towards our goal. Your contribution helps sustain the future of public interest fellowships.
(1/4 Day of Pay) - Advocates fuel the dreams of future public interest lawyers. Your quarter-day contribution makes a tangible difference in supporting fellowship opportunities, and being an ally for your classmates.
Support the public service careers launched from 385 Charles E Young Drive!
(1/2 Day of Pay) - Champions stand tall for justice. Your half-day contribution significantly boosts our ability to fund fellowships and support crucial public interest work in California.
By donating a full day of pay as a summer associate, you become a Pillar of our campaign. Your generous contribution strengthens the foundation of public interest law at UCLA and inspires others to follow your lead.