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BACON at UCLA: Support Innovative Science Education

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
108 Bacon Bruins
Project has ended
Project ended on June 02, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

BACON (beta version) is up & running!

January 14, 2016

Thank you again for your donations to launch this project. The beta version of BACON is now up and running!



May 04, 2015

The FORCE is strong with our crowdfunding campaign for BACON at UCLA!

Thanks to our awesome supporters we’ve reached 47% OF OUR GOAL IN THE 1ST DAY!

Please continue to share our project with others who love innovative science education.

With your help, we can make BACON at UCLA accessible to students worldwide!


Thank You for Supporting B.A.C.O.N. a.t. UCLA - Keep Spreading the Word!

May 07, 2015

B.A.C.O.N. a.t. UCLA is off to an AMAZING start thanks to the INCREDIBLE DONORS who have helped us reach our goal in just THREE days! We would like to continue the tremendous momentum your generous gifts have provided and push towards an expanded goal. Additional gifts will allow us to maintain and update the B.A.C.O.N. a.t. UCLA website for years to come. THANK YOU again and please help spread awareness for this project by sharing: with your family and friends!

Our way
of Thanking You



UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry's 1300+ followers will know that you support innovative education when we thank you for your gift on Twitter!

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2015



UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry's 3000+ followers will know that you support innovative education when we thank you for your gift on Facebook! Perks from lower giving levels are included!

13 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2015



UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry's 4000+ social media followers will see how much you love B.A.C.O.N. a.t. UCLA when Professor Neil Garg writes a personal thank you message on your Facebook or Twitter page! All perks from lower giving levels are included!

23 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2015



Get in on the exclusive sneak peek! You'll be given access to B.A.C.O.N. a.t. UCLA before it goes live to the whole world! All perks from lower giving levels are included!

16 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2015



Support BACON at UCLA and get a custom made BACON at UCLA shirt! Show off your new swag and declare to the world that you support INNOVATIVE EDUCATION!!! All perks from lower giving levels are included! ($83 Tax Deductible Gift)

30 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2015



You'll be on the list of supporters on the BACON at UCLA official page, once it goes live! Thousands of people around the world will know that YOU made BACON at UCLA possible!!! All perks from lower giving levels are included! ($483 Tax Deductible Gift)

6 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2015



Join Prof. Neil Garg & UCLA Students for brunch! Perhaps there will be even some BACON! PORK BACON for the pork lovers & VEGGIE BACON for others! All perks from lower giving levels are included. ($953 Tax Deductible Gift)

3 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2015
Our Crowdfunding Groups