Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support the UCLA Fencing Club by clicking here.
This is a vital piece of equipment which protects fencers from being injured by broken weapons during bouts. Next to the jacket and the mask, this is one of the most important pieces of safety equipment.
Floor cables are the cords that link our main electrical scoring machine to the reels that connect to the fencers' weapons. After many years, our floor cables are in need of replacing.
Fencing would not be much of a sport without the blades. The blades for foil, one of the three weapons, often fall into disrepair after repeated use and need to be replaced. Currently, we do not have enough working blades to support our fencers and we are looking to purchase more.
The blades for epee and sabre, the other two weapons in fencing, also fall into disrepair and must be replaced. Many of our fencers use epee and sabre blades, and we are looking to purchase more so that all of our members can fence with a working blade.
Lames are the conductive vests worn by foil and sabre fencers in order to register a point that lands on the target. However, over time, these lames corrode and no longer conduct, meaning that points no longer register properly, and thus, they must be replaced. Many of our lames no longer conduct properly and we are hoping to replace them.
For sabre fencers, the lame is a long-sleeve jacket as their target covers the entire upper-half of their body. They are slightly more expensive than foil lames, but we currently do not have any working sabre lames
The scoring machine is the central device that registers when a fencer has made contact with their opponent. Currently we only have one working machine, meaning that only two fencers can practice with the machine at a time. Reels are used to connect the fencer and their weapon to the scoring machine so that the machine knows when a fencer has made contact. We are looking to replace some of our reels as they have fallen into disrepair. A donation of $350 will cover the cost of one scoring machine or one reel (a full fencing strip consists of one scoring machine and two reels).