Our crowdfunding campaign has ended but you can still support the Los Angeles Human Rights Initiative by clicking here.
The LA Human Rights Initiative is a student-run organization at the David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) at UCLA. We work in partnership with the Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) to provide pro bono physical and psychological forensic evaluations to asylum seekers and other immigrants.
1. Education
Class: In order to educate DGSOM students on the broader issue of human rights, LAHRI began a human rights class at the School of Medicine. The class consists of 8 talks where we bring in clinicians, attorneys, and prior asylum seekers with expertise in human rights fields including human trafficking, immigrant health, and Native American Rights.
2. Service
3. Research
4. Advocacy
In order to maintain this work capacity as a student run clinic with the quality we started off with, we need donations from those who are passionate about our work!