Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, you can still make a gift to support Riordan Programs by clicking here

UCLA Anderson Class of 2022 Gift

Participation Drive
79 Donors
Towards goal of 200 Donors
$10,988.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on June 11, at 12:00 AM PDT
Project Owners

UCLA Anderson School of Management Class Gift 2022

Supporting the Riordan MBA Fellows

We are the  Anderson Affiliates representing the UCLA Anderson Class of 2022. The Anderson Affiliates class gift campaign has been a tradition for the past 30 years. Each year, the Anderson Affiliates committees comes up with ways to leave their legacy. Previous projects have included wireless internet '03, group lab upgrades '05, and student fellowships '19.

Our goal is to support pathways for underrepresented students to excel in business and leadership. There is a dire need for knowledge of and access to such resources and we as the Class of 2022 want to support the MBA Fellows in the Riordan Programs at UCLA Anderson.

Riordan MBA Fellows

The Riordan Programs provide leadership and management training to diverse individuals all over the country. The MBA Fellows Program develop tomorrow's leaders by providing a transformational experience through the use of mentors, educational workshops, and community service. Its core purpose is to educate, prepare and motivate these individuals to competitively apply and succeed in a top MBA program and a career in management. This transformational experience will help professionals expand their network and build their leadership skills and community service profile. Fellows attend in-person sessions at UCLA Anderson, which include:

  • Graduate-level discussions and case studies led by UCLA Anderson faculty
  • Personalized one-on-one MBA Action Plan counseling
  • Guest speakers from the corporate community
  • Guidance on MBA admissions, financial aid, and GMAT preparation
  • Personal mentors who are current UCLA Anderson MBA students
  • Team community service project
  • Networking opportunities with industry professionals and the UCLA Anderson community
  • Social events with Riordan Programs alumni and corporate representatives

For more information on the Riordan MBA Fellows, please visit their website.

How you can help

Each year, nearly 75 students participate in the Riordan MBA Fellows program. For many Fellows, this is a large investment in their careers. In addition to an application fee of $50, the tuition for the Riordan MBA Fellows is $900. This is excluding incidental costs like lodging, transportation, parking, and books.

Our goal is to support tomorrow's business leaders by ensuring that tuition is not an obstacle for them in order to participate in the Riordan MBA Fellows.

Thank you!

Please join us in the UCLA Anderson Class of 2022 by supporting the Riordan MBA Fellows.

For additional ways to make a gift, please contact Christina Behrens, Assistant Director, Annual Giving, at (310) 486-2883 or christina.behrens@anderson.ucla.edu.

Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment.  Please click here to learn more about how The UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments.


Choose a giving level


Class Legacy

Leave your class legacy by supporting the Riordan MBA Fellows with a gift of $20.22.


35 Years of Excellence

Join the Riordan Programs in celebrating 35 years of excellence!



Support the Riordan MBA Fellows with a gift of $250.


Sponsor '23 Riordan MBA Fellow

Provides one fellowship to a Riordan MBA Fellow in 2022-2023. All donations made at this level qualify for participation in the Dean's Society, Anderson's leadership group of alumni and supporters. Dean's Society members will receive blue and gold graduation cord to wear at Commencement. To learn more about the Dean's Society, please visit: https://www.anderson.ucla.edu/about/office-of-development/deans-society


Number of Riordan MBA Fellows

Over 2,000 MBA Fellows have participated in the Riordan Programs.

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