Thank you for supporting UCLA LGBTQ Campus Resource Center and for empowering our LGBTQ+ Bruins!

Empower & Support UCLA LGBTQ+ Students!

Participation Drive
77 Donors
Towards goal of 100 Donors
$7,137.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on October 22, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners


October 20, 2022

Dear Donor,

We are so incredibly grateful for your support!

There are only 2 days remaining in our Spark campaign, and the finish line is in sight. We need your help to get there! 

In these final few hours, here are some ways you can help:

    Share our campaign on social media.

    Tell your friends and family why you chose to support our campaign.

    Emphasize that gifts of any size can have a huge impact! If every person who has already given encourages two friends to participate in the campaign, we will exceed our goal! 

Thank you again for helping us come this far in our campaign and sending a powerful message of support to LGBTQIA students at UCLA. Your donation will support students facing financial instability and times of crisis, empower them to achieve their full potential, and help develop the next generation of LGBTQIA leaders and advocates at UCLA and beyond. 

With gratitude,

UCLA LGBTQ Campus Resource Center

Choose a giving level


Peer Mentorship Coffee Meeting

Your gift provides coffee for students meeting through our peer-to-peer student mentorship program.


2 Meals for Students in Crisis

Your gift provides 2 meals in campus dining for an LGBTQIA student in crisis.


Bus Pass for Student in Crisis

Your gift covers 1 monthly bus pass for an LGBTQIA commuter student experiencing economic insecurity.


Student-Led Program Materials

Your gift covers materials and supplies for 1 student-led program, such as the Queer & Trans People of Color discussion space.


Conference Registration

Your gift covers unlimited registration for Students attending a regional conference, such as T*Camp, a retreat for Trans, Nonbinary, Genderqueer & Gender Questioning students.


Textbooks and Course Materials

Your gift covers textbooks and other required course materials for 1 quarter for a student in crisis or experiencing financial insecurity.


Transportation to a Conference

Your generous gift covers the transportation of 36 students attending a regional LGBTQ leadership conference.


Student Intern for New Program

Your leadership level gift will fund 1 student intern’s stipend to design and implement a new program to serve other students at UCLA, such as the development of a Queer Affirming Safer Sex curriculum.

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