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Help Share Native American and Indigenous Books

map of BRAID locations in the US
Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
125 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 12:00 AM PST
Project Owners

Help Share Native American and Indigenous Books

In 1997, UCLA’s American Indian Studies Center began to receive letters from Native Americans in prison who were requesting reading materials. The requests ranged from history books about specific tribes, to books on tribal languages, to books explaining cultural and spiritual practices. In response to these requests, we began to mail books by our faculty or from our library. We would even mail print-outs from the internet when books were not available. Thus, the BRAID (Books and Resources to American Indians in Detention) program began. Many Native American and Indigenous people, particularly people who have lived their entire lives off-reservation, may not have access to much information about their specific tribal histories and cultural practices. This type of book donation is only possible with support from our community.  

Will you help us continue growing the BRAID (Books and Resources for American Indians in Detention) program? With your support, UCLA’s American Indian Studies Center will be able to provide a $10,000 internship for one student to grow our BRAID program and accomplish the following:  

  • Purchase books requested by incarcerated people  
  • Ship books to incarcerated people and to prison libraries 
  • Outreach to prison librarians to partner in this work  
  • Solicit book donations from individuals and groups on the outside 
  • Create materials that inform incarcerated people about our services 
  • Create and maintain social media accounts to publicize information about the BRAID program  

The primary goal of this program is to help provide books for people related to Native American and Indigenous cultural practices, language, and histories of specific tribes. Together, we can impact the lives of both our students and incarcerated community members. 


Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments. 

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Support UCLA Students

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center


Support Incarcerated People

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center


Share Important Texts

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center


Invest in Education

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center


Provide Internships

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center


Grow Community Partnerships

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center


Build Tomorrow's Leaders

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center


Make Impact Across the Nation

UCLA's American Indian Studies Center

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