Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support QWER Hacks by clicking here.
What is QWER Hacks?
QWER Hacks is UCLA’s first-ever LGBTQIA+ Hackathon. In association with Major League Hacking and the Society of Women Engineers @ UCLA, this year’s Hackathon will focus on Food Security, Healthcare Equity, and Housing Access. Participants will work together to create technologies to solve and reduce problems associated with these areas over a 36-hour period!
We are hosting QWER Hacks at UCLA from January 27th to 29th, 2023. Historically, over 200+ college students and 40+ mentors and company representatives attend QWER Hacks. We have hosted 10+ workshops in under 24 hours while integrating intersectional components with queer and nonbinary workshop hosts to talk about their experiences in the tech space. This year, with your support, we are hoping to make QWER Hacks bigger than ever!
Our Mission: Why should you support us?
QWER Hacks encourages LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies in tech to develop unique applications that benefit underrepresented groups in tech. We aim to uplift hackers to work on products that help bring about the future they wish to see for LGBTQIA+ individuals. We combine STEM and social good and our audience includes LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies alike, as well as both engineering and non-engineering students.
Why now? QWER Hacks 2023 will be the first in-person hackathon since pre-pandemic times. We are in urgent need of funding to cover our costs including food, prizes, space use, workshops, speakers, and more.
Will you help us continue growing the QWER Hacks? With your support, UCLA’s QWER Hacks will be able to uplift, unite, and mobilize LGBTQIA+ students and allies and accomplish the following:
What will your donation go towards?
From security and equipment expenses to food for our hackers, a lot goes into making a big hackathon successful. Here is a breakdown of what your donations to our Sparks campaign will go towards if we hit our funding goal:
Any additional money that we are able to raise will go towards travel expenses for bringing more out-of-state students to QWER Hacks and services/security.
All donations will be tax-deductible!
Donations of any size will be greatly appreciated! If you are interested in supporting marginalized communities and bringing visibility to the LGBTQIA+ community in tech, please consider donating!
Connect with us!
Please feel free to contact us with any of your questions or concerns! We look forward to connecting with you :)
Email: qwerhacks@gmail.com
Website: qwerhacks.com
Our Socials:
Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments.
Hackers need food for thought to make great projects, but they also need food to refuel throughout the day. Your donation of $50 will pay for a student's food during the 36-hour event.
When we said that we wanted QWER Hacks 2023 to be our biggest year yet, we meant it. Not only do we want more students from UCLA to attend, we also want hackers from neighboring schools in California to join us. Your donation of $100 can help us bring two hackers from other schools in California to QWER Hacks at UCLA.
A hackathon wouldn't be very exciting without any equipment. Who would want to hack in an empty room? Your donation of $250 will help pay for a piece of rental equipment necessary for the event.
While our main focus is bringing tech to the LGBTQIA+ community at UCLA, we'd also love to bring in fresh perspectives from outside of California. But travel expenses make it difficult for us to organize out-of-state attendees. Your donation of $600 could pay for an LGBTQIA+ youth out-of-state to attend QWER Hacks in 2023.