Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support Taiwanese Culture Night by clicking here.
Taiwanese Culture Night is an annual, original student-run stage production hosted by a group of passionate students at UCLA. This year, our 21st annual production will be held at Royce Hall on April 20th, and will be free for anyone who wishes to attend. Over 50 students put in countless hours of effort in all aspects of theater, including producing, scriptwriting, directing and acting, stage design, and media production, to put on a show for an audience of over 1000. In addition, TCN dedicates the entire production to tell a story that educates our UCLA community and beyond about Taiwanese American culture and relevant issues that have an impact on us all.
台灣文化之夜(TCN) 是一場由一群熱血青年舉辦的年度盛宴。這個晚會完全由學生一手包辦製作、撰寫劇本、導演、戲劇演出、後台製作與燈光音響、舞台設計、影片剪輯。五十餘名學生在課業與工作之餘,熱情付出時間與努力為五百席的觀眾提供充滿娛樂、懷舊、與感動的一晚。今年的晚會將在校園的 Royce Hall 於4月20日盛大演出,並免費對外開放給任何希望出席的嘉賓。
Taiwanese Culture Night reaches a unique audience of about 1000 students and faculty, some of whom attend with little to no knowledge of Taiwanese culture. Because admission is free, each year we are able to highlight our culture to a new audience and celebrate it with others in our community without hindering those with financial concerns. However, our production costs over $40,000 to put on this year and as a free, fully student-run production we are asking you, the community, for your support. We want to continue raising cultural awareness to make an impact in the UCLA community. All donations are tax deductible.
台灣文化之夜(TCN)成立24年以來每年都堅持提供免費的門票以便任何希望出席的觀眾入場。因此,我們同時必須募集資金來承擔製作與幕後的開銷,包括服裝、道具、和使用UCLA Royce Hall場地的費用。這次演出總計需要花費近四萬美金。所有參與演出的學生都是志願付出時間與心血,不會分得任何金錢利益。我們相當注重也支持增加台灣文化意識,完全願意全心為這場晚會的成功而努力打拚,因此我們也希望能得到您的支持。所有為我們演出提供的捐助都可以減稅!
We, the Taiwanese Culture Night 2023 Team, sincerely thank you for your support. Your impact is the reason we are able to fulfill our dreams of expressing our passion and unique cultural backgrounds through the performing arts. We hope you can join us at our show on April 20th, 2023!
在此,我們台灣文化之夜2023的團隊由衷感謝您的大力支持。我們能夠實現這樣的夢想,透過舞台展現我們的熱忱與獨特的文化背景,是因為有您! 期待您能出席今年的晚會,前來與我們共襄盛舉!
If you'd like to learn more about the production, we are on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tcn_at_ucla/ (tcn_at_ucla)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TCNatUCLA/ (Taiwanese Culture Night at UCLA)
Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments.
With your amazing donation, you will receive a thank you e-letter from TCN! (fully tax-deductible)
With your sweet donation, you will receive a thank you card from us and a TCN special designed sticker. Your name would also be listed on our program! (tax deductible donation of $22)
Thank you for your gift! You will receive a TCN tote bag and a special thank you video with your name shouted out by the whole TCN team in it. (tax deductible donation of $42)
We appreciate your generous support! We are pleased to offer you EVERYTHING (a card, sticker, and tote bag) mentioned in the perks above in addition to a special TCN SWEATSHIRT!! (tax-deductible donation of $62)
You will receive 1 free ticket for reserved seating to the show, along with ALL perks mentioned above! (a card, sticker, tote bag, and sweatshirt) Thank you so much for your generous donation! (tax-deductible donation of $212)
You are the best! You will receive 2 free tickets for reserved seating at the show, a special acknowledgment in the program, and a personalized message from our cast and crew to express our gratitude for your contribution. You will also be given a special TCN sweatshirt along with all perks mentioned above! (tax-deductible donation of $462)
We are overwhelmed by your generous support! You will receive 4 free tickets for reserved seating at the show, a special acknowledgment in the program, and a personalized message from our cast and crew to express our gratitude for your contribution. You will also be given a special TCN sweatshirt along with all perks mentioned above! (tax-deductible donation of $962)