Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support AIM by clicking here.
Who we are: Advocating Intersectional Medicine (AIM) is a student-funded and student-led, pre-health organization centered on intersectional advocacy in healthcare. Our organization consists of undergraduates from various backgrounds passionate about health equity and advocacy. Established Fall 2020, AIM is a new UCLA organization that seeks to promote education and advocacy surrounding social issues in medicine and healthcare. Through the COVID-19 Pandemic, AIM has educated its members on important public health issues, such as vaccinations, racial disparities in medicine, and access to health. Our organization has also provided support and resources to members who are struggling to adapt to online distance learning. Mission Statement AIM aims to propel future healthcare workers to educate themselves in what it means to practice intersectional medicine and advocate alongside others to imagine a future of equitable and accessible medicine. At AIM, we dedicate ourselves to furthering the application of intersectionality. As a community, we recognize health disparities and will work toward healing those affected and restructuring the institutions that instigate inequities in healthcare. What we do: AIM provides our community with resources, such as infographics, op-eds, social media awareness, and outreach projects. Our goal is to promote advocacy and empower others seeking to enter fields in healthcare to critically examine ways to make medicine more equitable. Your donations - big or small - will ultimately be used to provide the various committees in AIM with resources to expand and grow our organization. We will be using your donations to maintain our website and continue making our content, planning panels to help raise awareness about the topics we are passionate about, etc. Official Website: https://aimatucla.weebly.com/ Thank you so much for your support! |
Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments.
Thank you for your donation! We will send you a digital appreciation message. (fully tax-deductible)
Thank you for your donation! We will send you an AIM sticker. (tax-deductible gift of $8)
Thank you for your donation! We will send you an AIM Tote Bag. (tax-deductible gift of $10)
Thank you for your donation! We will send you an AIM Tote Bag. (tax-deductible gift of $10) and an AIM sticker (tax-deductible gift of $12)