Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support the Pobre Diabla Thesis Film by clicking here.

Pobre Diabla Thesis Film

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
27 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 17, at 12:00 AM PST
Project Owners

Empower Women through the BIG screen

What is Our Film About?

Our film takes place in an abusive domestic household, where Valeria struggles with her relationship as a result of being raised in a hostile environment. This film focuses on the Latina Female perspective and the generational trauma one may go through when growing up in an abusive household, and its effect on romance and relationships. However, this film artistically highlights the beauty of the Latino Club and the celebration culture in Los Angeles. 

Who is Valeria

Food, Equipment, Production Design. 

Your Donations will count towards individual meals, production design and equipment. All members building are UCLA students who are volunteering their time, therefor there is also a need for funding for snacks, food meals for building in Pre-Production. (Planning and building before the film happens). 

What is the look of our Film? 

There is a Duality theme between the Club and Quinceneras as They will both feature a coming of age look that is central to the character arc of Valeria. However as real life celebrations are pricy, it is expensive for our film for Production Design. Especially as we will be building the Pobre Diabla Night Club. 

Additionally, costumes will be custom-made from old quince materials and thrifted dress materials.

The Quince

The Club

The House

Be a part of our film community

With Your Donation, You will receive credit for the film with a minimum of $6. We believe it takes a Village to create a film, and in the spirit of community, we will have your name on the big screen in June at the UCLA James Bridges Theater. 

If you pay $16 or more you will receive a tote bag by the end of February.

Thank you for your time, we hope to give everyone who watches our film a bit of hope in hostile environments, and with your donation, it is a step possible. 


Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments. 

Our way
of Thanking You


Name in the Credits

Have your name as part of the Pobre Diabla film credits under Patrons for your support! (fully tax-deductible)

8 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2024


Pobre Diabla Tote Bag

Get a Pobre Diabla Tote bag ($12 tax-deductible)

3 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2024


Reserved Premiere Seat

Have first-hand picking a free seat, when we premiere our film at UCLA in June. (Fully tax-deductible)

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2024


Signed Poster

You will receive a Pobre Diabla Poster with a signature from the director and talent involved. ($52 tax-deductible)

1 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: February 2024


Film and Materials

Access the extra film content through online creative materials, such as active commentary of the film, script-to-film comparisons, and developmental process. (Fully tax-deductible)

3 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: March 2024


Be on Set!

You will be invited on set to watch us film. (Fully tax-deductible)

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: February 2024


Producer Pass

Thank you Compadre and Comadre! Come multiple days on set and receive automatic producer credit. (fully tax-deductible)

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: February 2024
Our Crowdfunding Groups