Support the UCLA Sex Squad 2014 School Tour and help bring innovative arts-based sexual health education to thousands of Los Angeles teens. Your support will directly provide support for:
The UCLA Sex Squad is a key component of AMP! (Arts-based, Multiple-Intervention, Peer-Education), an innovative program created collaboratively by the UCLA Art & Global Health Center and the LAUSD HIV/AIDS Prevention Unit. AMP! jolts the baseline 9th grade sexual health curriculum by providing an arts-based “inoculation” to prevent HIV and STI’s and improve lifelong health outcomes.
The AMP! model, informed by Social Cognitive Theory, catalyzes actual behavior change. A 2010 evaluation conducted in Los Angeles showed a 50% increase in students who reported feeling compassion towards people living with HIV/AIDS and doubled the number of students who knew where to get a local HIV test.
Most significantly, after experiencing AMP!, sexually active students were four times more likely to get tested for HIV. Through AMP!, sexual health education becomes a transformational experience, with students stepping up as advocates for their own sexual health.
The UCLA Sex Squad is taking bold steps to empower young people to connect with their voices, engage in crucial conversations, take action to make healthy choices, and access existing resources in their schools and communities.
Join the UCLA Sex Squad and harness the immense possibilities of art as a medium for social change. Please consider a gift to our program (we have cool perks!) and share this with others via Facebook, Twitter and through email.
Your support means the world to us!
Facebook/Twitter Shout-Out
Personal Instagram or Vine Digi-Thanks Video by a Sex Squad member
Personalized Haiku hand-typed on a vintage typewriter
Condom Demo Flip-Flops designed by Acclaimed Indian Arts Activists Thukal Tagra (Limit 25)
Signed Copy of Bringing Safe Sexy Back—The 2013 Sex Squad movie
Official (and coveted) UCLA Sex Squad t-shirt and Signed Copy of Bringing Safe Sexy Back—The 2013 Sex Squad movie
Sex Squad Flash Mob and Mini-Performance at Location of Choice! (LA Area only, please!)
Sex Squad Workshop and Performance Co-Producer credit on the 2014 UCLA Sex Squad Movie (LA Area, Please!)