Submit a Project Idea!



UCLA Spark is a crowdfunding platform open to registered student groups, including department-sponsored interest groups and SOLE organizations, Rec or Club Sports teams, UCLA Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Development Officers, and certain friends of UCLA.


If this sounds like you and you’re interested in launching a crowdfunding campaign, you’re in the right place!


Please complete the following application, which is required for all first-time Spark projects. 


Projects related to raising funds for salaries and/or stipends are not permitted on Spark. 


Did your club successfully run a Spark campaign that reached 100% goal after September 2022? If so, you don't need to complete this application again. Please email and let us know you're interested in partnering with us again.  


Please plan on submitting your application at least 45 days before your desired fundraising start date. Launch dates outside of this suggested timeline may be authorized at the discretion of the UCLA Spark team. 

Module Dates for the 2024-25 academic year: 

Module 0: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024 

Applications due: applications accepted on a rolling basis until 8/2/2024

Module 1: 10/1/2024 to 10/31/2024

Applications due: 8/30/2024

Module 2: 10/29/2024 to 11/28/2024

Applications due: 9/27/2024

Module 3: 1/22/2025 to 2/21/2025 

Applications due: 11/15/2024

Module 4: 2/19/2025 to 3/21/2025 

Applications due: 1/17/2025

Module 5: 5/6/2025 to 6/5/2025 

Applications due: 4/4/2025

Note that the Spark project development process requires 4 meetings. We recommend a crowdfunding team of 2-5 individuals. 

Note: Completing this application does not guarantee that your project will be hosted on Spark. 

Note: Most questions allow up to a 255 character response. 

Tell us about yourself


Tell us about your project

In a few sentences, what is your project trying to accomplish?

If this doesn't apply to you, write N/A.

Dollars or # of donors. We recommend goals of $1,000 to $10,000 and will advise on realistic goal.

When do you need money in-hand? When will you be actively fundraising?


Projects should be achievable within 30 to 45 days.

Every gift matters. Can you explain how $10 versus $1,000 will be used?


Projects are required to reference their budget and projected costs within their case-for-support.

Think strategically about what else you have on your plate, and when you need the funding.

We strongly encourage you to have 2-5 people dedicated to building out this project.

For example, Chase Child Life is part of Pediatrics.


If this doesn't apply to you, write N/A.


This will not apply to all applicants, but does apply to student organizations.

These items will be important when building your campaign site and in social media promotion.

Have questions? Send us an email at
Our Crowdfunding Groups