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Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support the UCLA Staff Assembly Scholarship by clicking here

UCLA Staff Assembly Scholarship Campaign

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
48 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 14, at 12:00 AM PST
Project Owners

UCLA Staff Assembly Scholarship Campaign

UCLA Staff Assembly is an organization “for staff by staff”. Through educational, social, and community programs, we foster staff engagement in support of UCLA’s mission. The benefits include leadership opportunities, networking, personal and professional development, recognition, and campus involvement to name a few. All staff are encouraged to be a part of our community.

All staff employees of UCLA are automatically members of the Staff Assembly. All activities and services are available to every staff member, exclusively represented or non-represented.

The Executive Board consists of elected members of the Board and the Immediate Past President serving in an ex-officio capacity. This includes the President, President-Elect, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Events, Vice President for Strategic Communications, Vice President for Outreach, Vice President for Information Systems, Vice President for Special Projects, Vice President for Development, Secretary/Historian, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President.

The objectives of the Staff Assembly are:

  1. To support the mission of the University of California,
  2. To maintain and enhance communication within the University community,
  3. To act as a liaison between Staff and Administration, ensuring that Staff interests and input are adequately solicited and submitted to Administration as appropriate and represented in accordance with California law and university policies,
  4. When consulted, to review new and existing policies and procedures affecting Staff and to provide the Chancellor and Administration with feedback from Staff,
  5. To accept, promote and respect the diversity of backgrounds and beliefs which characterize UCLA’s multicultural community.


UCLA Staff Assembly is proud to award scholarships each year to UCLA Staff across campus who are looking for career enhancement and professional growth opportunities. The number of scholarships and amount awarded are dependent upon revenue derived from various fundraising events. Scholarship awards are made through an application process and applicants may apply for an individual scholarship of up to $500.

The award may include:

  • Enrollment course at University Extension (UNEX) for any quarter of the 2017-18 academic year
  • CHR Staff Training and Development course of choice
  • Funding up to $500 for a conference, workshop, seminar, or certification course

Scholarships may be used for registration or enrollment fees at:

  • Courses required for certification
  • Courses required for degree attainment if related to current position or career development
  • Registration fees for seminars and workshops (EXCLUDING travel expenses)
  • Books for career development

Through this campaign, we are embarking on a new method of funding. We hope to increase the number of scholarships we give out in 2018, providing more opportunities for our amazing staff members.

To view past recipients of UCLA Staff Assembly Scholarships, please click here.





You generous donations will help us provide more opportunities for UCLA staff to embark on new professional development endeavors.  An investment in our staff is an investment in our future. We are thankful for your support and hope you will help spread the word!




Our way
of Thanking You


VP of Cool

Thank you for your donation to the UCLA Staff Assembly Scholarship fund! You will receive an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible donation of $10)

22 of 1200 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2018


VP of Awesome

Your awesome donation is helping fuel our UCLA Staff Assembly Scholarship campaign! You will receive an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible donation of $25)

6 of 500 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2018


VP of Fabulous

We are so thankful for your fabulous donation! You will receive an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible donation of $50)

4 of 250 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2018


VP of Wonderful

It's so wonderful having a UCLA Staff Assembly Scholarship supporter like you! You will receive an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible donation of $100)

3 of 1000 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2018


VP of Amazing

We are so thankful for your amazing donation! You will receive a social media shout out and an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible donation of $250)

1 of 200 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2017


VP of Marvelous

Your marvelous donation will fund a UCLA Staff Scholarship! You will receive VIP seating for you and a guest at the 2018 UCLA Staff Picnic and an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible donation of $500)

1 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: July 2018


VP of Spectacular

Your spectacular donation will fund 2 UCLA Staff Scholarships! You will receive an invitation to lunch for you and a guest at Plateia at the UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center, as well as an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible gift of $950)

0 of 2 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2017


VP of Inspiration

Your inspiring donation will help fund 5 UCLA Staff Scholarships! You will receive a catered lunch for your office from Pinches Tacos (up to 6 people) and an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. Please note the catered lunch is limited to the Westwood area. (tax deductible donation of $2400)

0 of 2 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2017


VP of Legendary

Your legendary donation will help fund 10 UCLA Staff Scholarships! You will receive 4 tickets to the UCLA v. Cal football game on November 24th as well as an invitation to the Staff Assembly Scholarship and Awards Recognition Ceremony. (tax deductible donation of $4600)

0 of 1 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2017
Our Crowdfunding Groups