Our crowdfunding campaign has ended but you can still support the The UCLA Trumpet Ensemble Travel Fund by clicking here.

First All-Female Trumpet Ensemble Heads to National Competition

Raised toward our $7,000 Goal
94 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 15, at 12:00 AM PDT
Project Owners


March 20, 2020

A letter from the UCLA Trumpet Ensemble:


Dear donors and supporters of the UCLA Trumpet Ensemble,


When we reached 50% in a matter of one day, we could not believe it- we were BLOWN AWAY to say the least. The amount of love and support we received around the world from family, friends, and those who solely resonated with our cause is inspiring. Our goal could not have been met without amazing people like you who understand the cause and seek to motivate upcoming generations, just like us. 


This campaign was led by us through an internal fire. A fire to bring upon change, to enlighten minds, and to shine light upon a social issue as old as time- equality. Because of your help, you made this mission possible. We aspired to be a beacon of hope for future female brass musicians and to send a message that would ring throughout the music world. 


As some of you may know, due to the coronavirus and world-health concerns, the 2020 National Trumpet Competition has been canceled. We were immensely saddened by this news but understood the severity of this situation and how difficult it was for the NTC board to come to this decision. 


We plan on returning to compete in the 2021 National Trumpet Competition. The coronavirus may have prevented us from showing the world what we are capable of this week, but it surely does not stop us from continuing to spread our message every day and preparing to work even harder for next year’s competition. Our mentality is stronger than ever and we refuse to let this get us down. We all have to stick together, stick to our goal, and continue to remain hopeful.


With all the love in the world: thank you again for believing in us, thank you for donating to our cause, and thank you for your continued support during these trying times. We will still be honoring your claimed perks in the days to come as best as possible, unless we hear otherwise from you. Those who signed up for the “Exclusive Access” and ”Virtual Shoutout” will be honored through next year’s competition as well. Again, we greatly appreciate your support and contributions, which will be held in the Spark campaign fund until we return to the 2021 National Trumpet Competition. If you have any questions about your gift, you may contact Taylor Stayton, Director of Crowdfunding, directly at tstayton@support.ucla.edu.


We hope everyone remains safe and healthy! 


Until next time.




The UCLA Trumpet Ensemble, AKA the Trumpet Ladies


March 20, 2020

A letter from Jens Lindemann:


On behalf of the UCLA trumpet ensemble, I would like to thank you all for your contribution toward the 2020 National Trumpet Competition. The students and I are all overwhelmed both by your generosity and belief in their talent. This is the first time that an all female trumpet ensemble has been accepted to the NTC and although are saddened to hear the event has been cancelled, we want everyone in the trumpet community to be safe and healthy. 


The good news is that they will return next year performing the same work that they worked so hard to perfect this year. Your donation remains with the UCLA Foundation and has been earmarked for this purpose explicitly. 


Your contribution can be held toward next year’s event and again, we are grateful for your generosity. If you are disappointed that the trip is no longer occurring on the original timeline, you can contact Taylor Stayton, Director of Crowdfunding, directly about the status of your gift at tstayton@support.ucla.edu.


We will continue to keep you updated on the new travel dates, and what we're doing in the mean time to prepare for the NTC competition. Thank you again and stay well. 




Jens Lindemann

Professor of Trumpet

Head of Brass Studies, UCLA



March 10, 2020

We made it! We couldn’t have done it without you. All of you help motivate us to keep working hard and reach for the stars. Thank you! We’ll see you in Pennsylvania!


The UCLA Trumpet Ladies



March 06, 2020

WOW!  We are COMPLETELY overwhelmed by the amount of love and support our campaign has brought in! In just 2 days we’ve already reached half of our goal!

Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed thus far- whether it be through donating or sharing our story with those around you. Please continue sharing and spreading the word, and let’s make it to 100%!  Again, from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU! 


Our way
of Thanking You


Instagram Shoutout

We will feature you on our Instagram story to say thank you! Just write down your handle when you donate!

17 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2020


More CDs - Jens Lindemann

Jens has agreed to offer 5 more CDs autographed by him! Get 'em while they're hot!

5 of 5 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2020


Exclusive Access

Get exclusive access to our trip! We will be sending pictures, daily updates, and videos from our time at NTC!

8 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2020


Virtual Shoutout

Along with exclusive access, we are going to create a personalized thank you video, complete with a short jingle played by us and send it directly to you!

4 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2020
Our Crowdfunding Groups