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Support our SLAM Campaign!

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
36 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 11, at 12:00 AM PDT
Project Owners

50% to goal! Thank you!

May 02, 2022

SLAM at UCLA would like to thank you for your generous donation to our Spark campaign! We truly appreciate you taking the time to learn about and contribute to our organization, and we are so grateful for all of your support. Our campaign is currently 54% funded, with $1,626 raised so far thanks to our 26 amazing donors! 

There are now only 8 days left in our campaign for us to reach our goal of $3,000, and we can't do it without your help. Please join us in sharing our campaign with your friends, family, and anyone else you might know who would be interested in our cause, using this link:

A big thank you again to all of our donors! It is with your help that SLAM can continue to deliver accessible and quality music education to students across LA!

Choose a giving level


Guitar Strings

Can buy a pack of brand new guitar strings for students to replace old or broken strings!



Can buy a set of drumsticks for students to replace old or broken ones!


Piano Pedal

Can buy a piano pedal for students to experiment with different sounds and styles while playing!



Can help cover the costs of gas/transportation to and from teaching sites


Training Equipment

Can cover costs of training new volunteers to ensure they are prepared to teach our students!


Acoustic Guitar

Can buy a brand new acoustic guitar!


Drum Set

Can buy a brand new drum set!

Our Crowdfunding Groups