Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support UCLA Women's Club Soccer by clicking here.
Today marks the end of our annual SPARK campaign; we would like to thank you all for helping us successfully meet our stretch goal of $15,000! Thanks to your donations we are set for another year of soccer—and hopefully another championship. We feel so lucky to have such an awesome community and are humbled by and appreciative of your support!
We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season.
Thank you so much!
Love, Janvi, Marly, & UCLAWCS
Hello and happy holidays from the UCLAWCS fundraising team!
We are reaching out to say thank you for helping us raise $15,000 to meet our reach goal in just 3 weeks! This was a huge goal and we are so grateful for the outpouring of generosity from the people we love.
We have received contributions from 70 donors, each of you dedicated to supporting our team. Your donations allow UCLA Women’s Club Soccer to continue to grow and thrive!
In the last week of our spark campaign, we encourage you to keep sharing our website with anyone who is looking to donate during the holiday season:
Again, we want to say thank you, UCLAWCS is able to succeed because of you!
Best, Marly & Janvi
Help us get ready to play! Your $10 donation will go towards items stocked in our medical kit--tape, bandaids, and more!
Help us improve our practices and warm-ups with another soccer ball for the team!
If you donate $75, you could get practice jerseys for several players!
We drive to most of our games, and this means a lot of gas used on the road! $100 can go toward getting a van full of players to a game and back with a tank of gas!
Help fund a player's ticket to the 2023 National tournament! This year, we flew to Texas.
Help us pay for places for the team to stay all together while we're at tournaments!