Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support UCLA Club Swim by clicking here.

*STRETCH GOAL* UCLA Club Swim 2023

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
139 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 15, at 01:00 AM PDT
Project Owners

UCLA Club Swimming 2024 Fundraising Campaign

January 30, 2024
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.

Thank You! New Stretch Goal Unlocked!

March 01, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that we have hit our initial goal of $5,000! Thank you to all donors for supporting our team!

We still have nearly half of our campaign remaining, so we are extending to a stretch goal of $7,500. If we reach this goal, we hope to be able to make the trip to Nationals cheaper than we've ever been able to before! We also hope to be able to buy an additional 15 fins for our team to use at practice! This will be crucial as our team has nearly doubled in the past 5 years.

Please help our fundraising success continue by spreading the link to our campaign (https://spark.ucla.edu/project/35603) to friends and family! Thank you again for your support, we couldn't do it without you!

UCLA Club Swim Spark Campaign Midpoint Update: Thank you so much, we're at 90%

February 28, 2023
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.
Choose a giving level


One Swim Cap

A donation of $5 provides one latex swim cap for a Club Swimmer.


Pair of Goggles

A gift of $25 provides a pair of racing goggles!


Tank of Gas

$50 lets us fill up one tank of gas to travel between the hotel and the pool at Nationals!


Renting One Van

A donation of $100 covers the cost to rent a van to transport our swimmers to meets.


One Swimmer Member Dues

By donating $200, you are subsidizing a year of membership dues for one UCLA Swimmer! This helps to cover the costs for swimmers who need to save some money!


Nationals Hotel Room

$450 is the cost of a one hotel room for the 3 days we will be in Ohio for Nationals!

Our Crowdfunding Groups