Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our initial goal of $15,000. Your donations will truly make the road to the Pac-12 Championships much easier. Your tremendous generosity has ensured that all of our athletes will be well fed, well rested, and properly prepared to compete at the highest collegiate level.
As mentioned in the Fundraising Description, $15,000 will have an enormous positive impact on our team but, due to the expensive nature of the sport, $15,000 will not fully cover all of our foreseeable expenses for this year. As a result, our team has decided to extend the campaign one more week and challenge ourselves to reach our new goal of $20,000. If raised, this additional $5,000 will be used to make sure our highly-specialized fleet of boats is as ready for Pac-12s as we are. Most of our boats are many years old, and thus require a lot of maintenance and repair to counteract the wear and tear of rowing them every day in salt water. In order to compete against crews from some of the best colleges in the nation, our equipment needs to be on par, that way it is pure skill and will-power that’ll determine the outcome of a race and not faulty equipment.
We want to prove to all our donors and potential donors that we are serious about making the push to obtain our ultimate goal of $20,000. So we are going to host an “Ergathon” on Sunday, February 26th where the team will collectively row on our rowing machines (ergs) 500,000 meters; 100 meters for each dollar we want to raise. This Ergathon will take several hours and each team member is expected to row just under 30,000 meters, which is no easy task. But we want to show our great donors how thankful we are for getting us to our initial goal and how serious we are about reaching our final goal of $20,000. The Ergathon will be live streamed through our team Facebook page so be sure to drop by the stream and check out our hard work. As always, thank you for your time and any donation amount greatly helps the team.
Thank You,
UCLA Men's Rowing Team
This gift will help us pay for cleaning and maintenance supplies for our highly specialized equipment.
Your gift helps pay for re-energizing food for our team tent at San Diego Crew Classic and WIRA Championships.
Your gift helps pay for several member's lodging at one of our regattas.
This gift keeps our fleet fast by paying for new seat wheels for an entire boat.
Your gift pays for a crucial race-day meal for the entire team.