Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still support CARE at work by clicking here.

CARE at Work UCLA Labor Center

Participation Drive
50 Donors
Towards goal of 50 Donors
$2,441.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on February 11, at 12:00 PM PST
Project Owners

CARE at Work UCLA Labor Center

The UCLA Labor Center believes that a public university belongs to the people and should advance quality education and employment for all. Housed in the UCLA Labor Center, CARE at Work (Center for the Advancement of Racial Equity at Work), engages Black workers and economic justice advocates and facilitates innovative solutions that address the needs of Black working-class people. Through a school-to-movement pathway of service, teaching, capacity-building, and research, our purpose is to reveal conditions of Black work in Southern California under global racial capitalism and model approaches for change.

Why We Do What We Do
The Center for the Advancement of Racial Equity (CARE) at Work, in partnership with the Los Angeles Black Worker Center and UCLA Labor Center, centers Black workers and community justice advocates in creating approaches and advancing innovative solutions that address the needs of Black working class people. 

CARE at Work hosts the Freedom Fellowship and sponsors the “We Gon' Be Alright: Developing the Next Generation of Black Organizers” course. The Freedom Fellowship is a 10-week opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience working with activists and community organizers involved in the movement for civic and economic justice for Black workers. 
Your Donation in Action
Your gift will allow CARE at Work to continue extending fellowship opportunities to the next generation of Black leaders and advocates. Your support of CARE at WORK, shapes the future of social justice movements and building the path toward equity for Black workers, families, and communities. We will put your gift to immediate use with this year’s Freedom Fellowship program, which will commence on January 16, 2024.


Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments. 

Our way
of Thanking You


Friend of CARE

Your gift of $20-$100 will directly support a Freedom Fellow and we will send a handwritten thank you note from one of our Freedom Fellows alumni! (fully tax-deductible)

13 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2024


Care about CARE

Make a donation of $101-$500 to support the important work of CARE at Work, and receive a social media shout out plus everything in the Friend of CARE perk. (fully tax deductible)

8 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2024


Celebrate with CARE

In honor of MLK and Black history month, celebrate with CARE in advancing Black equity and make a gift of $501-$1,000. Help us realize a California where advancing justice allows equity created around Black life to cascade into meaningful Black working conditions that sustain families and vibrant communities. With your gift, you will receive CARE at Work swag and everything in the above perks. (tax deductible gift of $491)

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2024


Freedom Fellowship

Donations of $1,001 and up will support the next generation of Black social justice activists and leaders! The Freedom Fellowship is a 10-week experiential opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience working with activists and community organizers involved in the movement for civic and economic justice for Black workers. You will be invited to meet and have a meal with the Labor Center/CARE at Work Team and receive all of the above perks. (tax deductible gift of $956)

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2024
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