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UCLA EatSAFE Campaign Project

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
74 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 08, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

UCLA EatSAFE Campaign Project

A National Problem:

Every time I see a child who has choked on a piece of food, his or her parent, with a look of terror in their eyes, says the same thing: 

"If I had only known it wasn't safe, I would have never let my child eat it." 

We all know which toys are safe or unsafe for young children because they are appropriately labeled by law. Unfortunately, foods that are unsafe for children have no warning labels and can lead to choking.  

Over 10,000 children visit emergency rooms each year for food choking events.

Through my UCLA EatSAFE campaign, I will create educational materials to stop these preventable emergencies from happening to our children. Thoughout the campaign, I will provide updates on our progress, including proofs of our print materials and information on how to identify choking hazards for our children.

A Call to Action for Parents:

One child dies every five days in this country from choking on food.

Shockingly, choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional death in children under age five years. 

If we can provide public education to parents, caregivers, and teachers regarding high-risk foods, we can raise awareness to prevent such devastating events. 

As a doctor who cares for these children, my heart sinks every time a previously healthy child arrives choking, unable to breathe, due to an event that could have been prevented. 

Join our #EatSAFE Team!

With your support, we can help stop choking deaths among children. We will create easily accessible print and web-based materials and distribute them to a large number of childcare centers and families. 

We need your partnership to make this possible. Together, we can reach 10,000 families in the greater Los Angeles area and across the nation with lifesaving materials designed to prevent children from choking on food.

Please consider a gift to my project. Any amount you can donate will go directly towards the creation of these educational materials.

If we save one child's life - if we can prevent one emergency room visit - then we're moving in the right direction.

Please help spread the word and connect with us through the social media links below my project video! 

Thank you for your support! 

- Nina


Our way
of Thanking You


Prevention Team Member

You're an active member of our EatSAFE Campaign Team! Thank you for your support!

6 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2014


Nuts about Safety

You'll help us get the word out to up to 100 families! I will mail you a copy of the EatSAFE brochure and publicly thank you on Twitter!

16 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2014


Chewy Bubble Gum

You'll enable us to provide materials to up to 250 families! To show our appreciation, we'll send you a UCLA Health water bottle, a copy of the EatSAFE brochure and thank you from Twitter!

13 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2014


Cashew Crush

Your gift provides information to up to 500 families! To thank you, we'll send you a limited edition UCLA Health sports towel and water bottle, the EatSAFE brochure and acknowledge you on Twitter!

15 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2014


Hot Diggity Dog

Your gift provides materials to up to 750 families! To express our thanks, we'll send you a limited edition "UCLA #EatSAFE Campaign" t-shirt! I will also acknowledge you on Twitter!

4 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2014


Carrot Stick Champion

Wow! Your gift provides materials to nearly 1,000 families! To show our thanks, you'll receive a limited edition SIGNED COPY of my book, "Take a Deep Breath: Clear the Air for the Health of your Child," as well as the exclusive "UCLA #EatSAFE Campaign" t-shirt and brochure.

1 of 50 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2014


That's a Lot of Peanuts!

You're a hero of this campaign! To thank you for helping us get materials to nearly 2,000 families, we will prominently list you on the EatSAFE brochure as a "Campaign Champion." Also, you'll receive the exclusive t-shirt, a signed copy of my book and the brochure.

0 of 20 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2014
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